About SNRP

In June 1997, the State Board of Education approved the establishment of statewide educational programs and support services for children who are Deaf or hard of hearing.  A state plan was developed to support the concept of the Nebraska Regional Programs (NRP).

Vision Statement

Students who are Deaf or hard of hearing, and who reside in the southeast region of Nebraska, will succeed in school and in social endeavors.


The Southeast Nebraska Regional Program will provide necessary support to students, families, professionals, and schools in fulfillment of the vision.



  • Offer day-long and overnight enrichment activities within the SNRP region and throughout the state
  • Encourage socialization and interaction with peers and adult role models who are Deaf or hard of hearing
  • Foster communication and self-advocacy skills
  • Nurture the development of a positive self-image
  • Prepare students for transitions throughout life
  • Facilitate Person Centered Planning meetings to help turn students’ dreams into reality
  • Conduct functional listening evaluations in a student’s classroom to help outline optimal acoustic environments


  • Provide ongoing individualized family support from a child’s initial diagnosis through high school graduation to aid in the development of a child’s educational, emotional, and social growth
  • Connect families together by offering time to network at SNRP regional family events 
  • Cultivate Deaf and hard of hearing-related knowledge growth by offering opportunities to participate in SNRP workshops and national conferences
  • Promote parent involvement while fostering child independence
  • Offer family sign language classes and sign language workshops
  • Loan SNRP Lending Library resources and materials 


  • Encourage and financially support professional growth by giving staff opportunities to participate in workshops and national conferences 
  • Recruit Teachers of the Deaf and Educational Sign Language Interpreters for job opportunities
  • Assist with interviews of Teachers of the Deaf and Educational Sign Language Interpreters
  • Create professional development plans for Educational Sign Language Interpreters
  • Consult and collaborate with administrators and IEP team members about best practices and other Deaf and hard of hearing related services
  • Supply educational resources and materials as well as provide audiology equipment and support


Lindsey Hinzmann

Lindsey Hinzmann

SNRP Coordinator

Phone: (402) 436-1896
Email: lhinzma@lps.org

SNRP Program Assistant

Phone: (402) 436-1897

Kristin Jolkowski

Kristin Jolkowski

Educational Audiologist

Phone: (402) 436-1677
Email: kjolkows@lps.org

Cara Frost

Cara Frost

Educational Audiologist

Phone: (402) 436-1898
Email: cfrost@lps.org