5200 S 75th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
402-436-1897 (phone)
402-436-1864 (fax)
SNRP loans to districts within the region remote microphone systems. Some of these systems are used in conjunction with the child’s personal hearing aids, cochlear implants, or bone conduction devices while others are used as stand-alone devices. SNRP also loans classroom speakers systems.
Educational audiologists are available to complete a remote microphone work-up to assist the educational team in determining what system will work best for an individual student’s needs.
Educational audiologists are also available to troubleshoot personal hearing equipment as well as remote microphone systems used by the students.
Educational audiologists can assist with obtaining hearing records from community audiologists and medical offices. They can help families coordinate hearing care with their community audiologist.
Functional listening evaluations can be completed to provide data to the educational team regarding the impact of distance and noise on a student’s ability to access their educational environment. It can also provide validation regarding benefits of remote microphone systems.
Hearing evaluation records can be obtained by the educational audiologists to ensure updated hearing information is available for a student’s educational team.
The purpose of the EHDI NTRC is to provide support to EHDI programs in states and territories also funded by HRSA. The EHDI NTRC helps EHDI programs ensure that children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) are identified through newborn, infant, and early childhood hearing screening and receive the diagnostic and early intervention services they need.
BabyHearing.org is brought to you by a team of professionals at Boys Town National Research Hospital. We are: Audiologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Teachers of the Deaf, Geneticists, and Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. This website was originally developed with support from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
HearU Nebraska provides hearing aids to children ages 0-18 with priority to newly identified children ages 0-3.
5200 S 75th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
402-436-1897 (phone)
402-436-1864 (fax)