5200 S 75th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
402-436-1897 (phone)
402-436-1864 (fax)
Person Centered Planning is a process that empowers students to explore how their goals can become the realities of their future. The Person Centered Planning (PCP) process is student-driven and allows students, along with their support team (family members, teachers, employers, close friends), to create a snapshot of the student’s strengths, preferences, hopes and dreams. The team uses this snapshot to craft plans that will support the student to achieve their dreams. The information gathered from the PCP process can be used as part of the transition requirements outlined in IEPs for students who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
SNRP can facilitate Person Center Planning meetings for SNRP students of any age. This is a support service that SNRP provides at no cost. Interested in learning more or requesting a PCP meeting? Click the button below!
Below is a list of scholarships for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and/or their families. A printer-friendly version can be accessed here.
AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship on Health and Disability | Application Awarded annually to deserving students with a disability who are pursuing undergraduate/graduate studies (must be at least enrolled as a sophomore in college) in an accredited university who is pursuing studies related to the health and disability, to include, but not limited to public health, health promotion, disability studies, disability research, rehabilitation engineering, audiology, disability policy, special education and majors that will impact quality of life of persons with disabilities. | Up to $1,000 | March 1, 2025 | Go » |
Able Flight Scholarship | Application Learning to fly is a demanding endeavor, with long hours of ground school study and many hours in the air. This is not a program for those who seek a “weekend adventure” experience, but a program for people who are willing to work hard and remain committed to earning the privilege of becoming a pilot. It’s not easy, in fact, it is demanding and challenging, and that’s by design. We want our pilots to be safe and competent, so training goes well beyond the minimum standards required by the FAA. Applicants for a full scholarship must be available to travel for training for a six to eight week period, and applicants for the Return To Flight scholarship must be available to travel for a one to two week training period. | Covers ground and flight training, testing, travel and lodging expenses. | December 31st of each year | Go » |
AG Bell Arts & Sciences Financial Aid Program | Families who are seeking support for students who are deaf and hard of hearing and use Listening and Spoken Language in grades 1 through 12 who wish to participate in after-school, weekend or summer programs focused on developing skills in the sciences or arts are encouraged to apply early. | Varies | February 14, 2025 | Go » |
AG Bell College Scholarship Program | Students with a moderately-severe to profound bilateral hearing loss (diagnosed before 4th birthday) who use listening and spoken language and are pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree at an accredited mainstream college or university. | Ranges from $2,500 to $10,000 | not open for the 2023-2024 academic year | Go » |
AG Bell George H. Nofer Scholarship for Law and Public Policy | The George H. Nofer Scholarship for Law and Public Policy is for full-time graduate students with a moderate to profound hearing loss who are attending full-time an accredited law school or graduate school and working towards a masters or doctoral degree in public policy or public administration at an accredited university or college. | Three awards of $5,000 each year | March 15, 2025 | Go » |
AG Bell Parent & Infant Financial Aid Application | Families of infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3 who have been diagnosed with a moderately-severe to profound bilateral hearing loss and who are in pursuit of spoken language education for their child. Awards are made to assist with expenses such as auditory support services, speech‐language therapy, tuition, etc. Families should be committed to a listening and spoken language approach for the education of their child’s listening, speech, and cognitive skills. | Varies - have ranged from $300-$2,000 | August 19, 2025 | Go » |
AG Bell Preschool-Age Financial Aid Program | The Preschool Financial Aid program is for families of preschool-age children who have been diagnosed with a moderately-severe to profound hearing loss and who are learning Listening and Spoken Language. Awards help families with many expenses including auditory support services, speech-language therapy, preschool tuition, etc. | Award amounts vary and are made once a year. | May 27, 2025 | Go » |
AG Bell School-Age Financial Aid Program | Guidelines Application The School‐Age Financial Aid program is for students with a bilateral hearing loss in the moderately-severe to profound range diagnosed by age 4 who use listening and spoken language and who are in first through twelfth grades and attending a parochial, independent or private mainstream school. Awards are intended to assist with educational costs such as tuition, books, equipment, room and board, auditory and speech language support services, academic tutoring, transportation, and other school‐related expenses. Please Note: Public school, oral school, home school and post‐secondary students are not eligible for this program. | Award amounts vary and are made once a year. | April 5, 2025 | Go » |
Cochlear Americas Scholarship Program | Application Graeme Clark Scholarship The Cochlear Graeme Clark Scholarship is a unique award open to Cochlear Nucleus Implant recipients. Applicants must be a citizen of the United States or Canada. Anders Tjellstrom Scholarship The Cochlear Anders Tjellström Scholarship is a unique award open to Baha recipients. Applicants must be a citizen of the United States or Canada. | $2,000 per year for up to four years | September 30th of each year | Go » |
disABLEDperson Essay Scholarship | Students submit an essay, with no more than 1000 words, following a specific prompt question. Typically there is an essay contest each fall and spring. In order to qualify, the student must be enrolled in a 2 or 4 years accredited college or university in the United States, be a matriculated student and attending school full-time, and be a U.S. citizen. They will accept students who are not attending school full-time as long as the part-time attendance is due to their disability and not their financial situation (minimum of 6 credits for undergraduate, 6 credits for graduate). | $2,000 | March 15, 2025 | Go » |
ExceptionalNurse.com College Scholarship Awards | Variety of scholarships for nursing students with a disability (such as deafness or hearing loss) who have applied or been admitted to a full-time nursing program. | Several scholarships between $250-500 | June 1st | Go » |
Foundation for Science and Disability | Application A goal of the FOUNDATION for SCIENCE and DISABILITY is to increase opportunities in science for disabled students. To promote this goal, the FOUNDATION has established a Science Student Grant Fund, available to fourth year undergraduate (who have been accepted to graduate or professional school) and graduate students who have a disability. The students must be United States citizens. Awards of $1000 each will be made to college or university students for some special purpose in connection with a science project or thesis in any field of Mathematics, Science, Medicine, Engineering, or Computer Science. An award could be given for assistive device or instrument, or as financial support to work with a professor on an individual research project or for some other special research need. | $1,000 | December 1, 2025 | Go » |
Google Lime Scholarship Program | Google is committed to helping the innovators of the future make the most of their talents by providing scholarships and networking retreats for computer science students with disabilities. | $10,000 | Applications for the 2024 application cycle will open in Winter 2024 | Go » |
Help America Hear Scholarship | Application The scholarship is open nationally to high school seniors who have a hearing loss, which requires the use of hearing aid(s) in their daily life. The purpose of this scholarship is to help students with hearing challenges reach their full potential by giving them the gift of sound. This will further allow the students to build confidence and self-esteem as they prepare to begin their college or vocational school education. The recipient of this scholarship will be selected by an independent group of judges to be determined by Help America Hear Inc., a 501c3 Not for Profit Corporation. The scholarship will award one student per school year, currently wearing hearing aid(s). Cochlear users may enter this and will only receive the financial award. | $4,000 and two state-of-the-art ReSound Hearing Aids | March 30, 2025 | Go » |
J. Paris Mosely Scholarship | Application The purpose of this annual scholarship is to provide persons who are deaf or hard of hearing or whose primary caregivers are deaf or hard of hearing the opportunity to attain their post-secondary education. | $1,000 | March 12, 2025 | Go » |
Lori Lieberman Scholarship Fund | Application This scholarship will be awarded to a student who is deaf or hard of hearing and pursuing higher education or to a student who is hearing and desiring to earn a teaching degree with the deaf and hard of hearing as the focus of the program. Applicants must write a personal essay between 500 and 1,000 words expressing why they are deserving of the scholarship, have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, and submit letters of recommendation from a teacher, as well as an adult friend or family member for character references. | $750 | Currently Closed | Go » |
Louise Tumarkin Zazove (LTZ) Foundation Scholarship | Application The LTZ Foundation, established in 2003 as a 501(c)3 entity, has proudly supported over 40 deaf and hard of hearing student grantees at colleges across the country. | Currently provides approximately $3,600 for tuition per academic year per grantee, and aims to fund up to 4 years of college if good academic standing is maintained and funds are available in the Foundation. | May 31, 2025 | Go » |
Microsoft DisAbility Scholarship | Application This scholarship will be awarded to promising high school seniors with disabilities who plan to attend a vocational or academic college and target a career in the technology industry. | The scholarships are renewable – each winner who continues to meet the criteria is eligible to receive an annual award of $5,000 for up to four (4) consecutive years for a potential total $20,000 scholarship. | March 13, 2025 | Go » |
Minnie Pearl Scholarship | Applicant must be a high school senior with a minimum 3.0 GPA who plans to attend a junior college, college, university, or technical school on a full-time basis. Significant (severe to profound) bilateral hearing loss is required. For recipients with a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA, there will be a $500 bonus offered yearly. Applicants must contact Bridges for Deaf and Hard of Hearing to apply. | $2,000-$2,500 | March 12, 2025 | Go » |
National Literacy Competition | The National Literary Competition challenges and inspires deaf and hard of hearing students in the 2nd through 12th grades to compete to showcase their ASL and writing skills at a national level. | One of the following: Free trip to Gallaudet University and Washington D.C. Free attendance to one of GU Summer Youth Camps at Gallaudet University. Apply for free and $1,000 scholarship to Gallaudet University. | December 16th 2024-January 10, 2025 | Go » |
Nebraska Society of Mayflower Descendants | Application Scholarship applicants must be a resident of Nebraska, a U.S. citizen, and a high school senior planning to attend an accredited 4-year college or university during the 2021-2022 academic year. Applicants will be evaluated by a written essay, GPA and class rank, ACT or SAT scores, honors received, school or volunteer activities, employment, demonstrated leadership and a letter of recommendation from a teacher or guidance counselor. Mayflower ancestry is NOT a requirement. | $1,620 | March 15, 2025 | Go » |
Raise.me | Allows high school students to earn scholarships from colleges for their achievements in and out of the classroom. Starting in 9th grade, students can be eligible to start earning scholarships for their achievements in and out of the classroom, like getting good grades, having perfect attendance, leadership roles, participating in sports & clubs, community service, test scores, and more. | Earn as you go | On-going | Go » |
RIT Digital Arts, Film, and Animation Competition | Application Scholarship opportunities for Web Design, Graphic Media, 3-D Animation, Interactive Media, Film, and Photo Imaging. | The winner in each category receives $400 and a trip to one of RIT's summer programs | March 14, 2025 | Go » |
RIT SpiRIT Writing Contest | Application An opportunity for 10th and 11th grade students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing to use the power of words to express thoughts and feelings and win a choice of 3 different prizes. Up to 4 winners are selected annually. | Choice of a scholarship and paid travel expenses to the Explore Your Future program, a summer career exploration program at Rochester Institute of Technology for students with hearing loss, or a $500 cash prize. | March 14, 2025 | Go » |
Susan T. Buffett Foundation Scholarship | The Susan T. Buffett Foundation has offered scholarships to college students in Nebraska for over 50 years. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to first-time freshmen entering college who live in Nebraska, graduate from a Nebraska high school (or GED) with plans to attend a Nebraska public college, and demonstrate financial need. | Varies | February 1, 2025 | Go » |
TPA Scholarship Trust for Deaf and Hard of Hearing | TPA helps thousands of people with hearing deficiencies get the help and resources they need, including hearing devices, specialized treatments, speech classes, note-takers, interpreters, and more. | Varies between $100-$1,000 | End of each quarter: March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st | Go » |
University of Nebraska Robert McCall Scholarship | For an individual who has experienced disadvantages educationally or economically prior to enrollment at the University of Nebraska. Must be a a graduate of a Nebraska High School and have demonstrated financial need. Please include a narrative that addresses these disadvantages. Minimum of 400 words but no longer than one-page. | Varies | February 1st of each year | Go » |
Wells Fargo Scholarship Program for People with Disabilities | Application Wells Fargo has developed this scholarship program to help people with disabilities obtain their education or training necessary to succeed in the career path of their choice. Applicants must have an identified disability (defined as someone who has, or considers themselves to have, a long-term or recurring issue that impacts one or more major life activity), have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent, be a high school senior or graduate who plans to enroll or who is already enrolled in full-time or half-time (at least 6 credits per term) undergraduate study at an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in the United States. | $2,500 (full-time study) or $1,250 (half-time study). Full-time student awards may be renewed for up to 3 additional years and half-time student awards may be renewed for up to 7 years or until a bachelor’s degree is earned, whichever occurs first. | information coming soon | Go » |
Zivadream Scholarship | Our annual scholarship program allows students with disabilities to earn the degree of their dreams. We want students to be able to focus on academics rather than external financial circumstances. | $1,500 | November 30, 2025 | Go » |
The National Deaf Center’s mission is to close the substantial gaps in education and employment that exist for deaf people in the United States and its territories. We are a technical assistance and dissemination center funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).
Nebraska VR helps people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep jobs while helping businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.
5200 S 75th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
402-436-1897 (phone)
402-436-1864 (fax)