5200 S 75th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
402-436-1897 (phone)
402-436-1864 (fax)
The Nebraska Department of Education is the U.S. State of Nebraska's state education agency responsible for administering public education funding from the U.S. Department of Education and the Nebraska State Legislature.
The Regional Programs will work cooperatively to maximize state and local resources for the enhancement of the education of children who are deaf or hard of hearing (B-21) and who are receiving early intervention (IFSP) or special education (IEP) services.
Nebraska Regional Program supporting students, families, professionals, and school districts in Educational Service Units 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, and 17.
Nebraska Regional Program supporting students, families, professionals, and school districts in Educational Service Units 2, 3, and 19.
Nebraska Regional Program supporting students, families, professionals, and school districts in Educational Service Units 1, 8, 7, and 17.
The Early Development Network provides early intervention services for families with children birth to age three with developmental delays and/or health care needs and connects families to needed services.
A statewide support for students with a combined vision and hearing loss, educational team members, and families.
Nebraska VR helps people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep jobs while helping businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.
The Nebraska Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program develops, promotes, and supports systems to ensure all newborns in Nebraska receive hearing screenings, family-centered evaluations, and early intervention as appropriate.
Hands & Voices is a non-profit, parent-driven organization dedicated to supporting families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. We are non-biased about communication methodologies and believe that families can make the best choices for their child if they have access to good information and support.
Guide By Your Side (GBYS) provides unbiased support to families through specially trained parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. These parents work as “Guides” directly with families who have just learned of their child’s hearing condition, or who have older children and are in need of the unique support that comes from someone else who has walked this path him/herself and can share from direct experience and wisdom. GBYS programs can also include an option for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Guides (DHH Guides) who are deaf or hard of hearing adults and specially trained to provide support to families.
The mission of the Nebraska Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is to promote and advocate for Nebraskans who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind or Hard of Hearing; to achieve equality and opportunity in social, educational, vocational, and legal aspects impacting their daily lives; and to enhance and monitor access to effective communication and telecommunication technology.
Serving all deaf and hard of hearing people in Nebraska, their families, advocates, and public service providers since 1902
Support group for Parents of Children with hearing loss in Lincoln, Ne. Amplify's goals are to support families through their children's hearing journeys, collaborate on important issues related to hearing loss, as well as welcome new families!
The goal of the PTI Nebraska (Parent and Training Information Center) is to help parents, families, and students with disabilities understand their civil rights regarding early intervention services and special education supports so that they can be strong self-advocates in the most effective ways.
Answers4Families connects Nebraskans with special needs to resources and support. We empower, educate, and strengthen relationships between human service agencies by developing online solutions.
The Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP) has assisted Nebraskans with disabilities, their families, educators, service coordinators, employers and a host of agencies to learn about and use assistive technology.
5200 S 75th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
402-436-1897 (phone)
402-436-1864 (fax)